What is Zimbabwe's pathway to limit global warming to 1.5°C?

Current Situation

Emissions profile

Zimbabwe’s First Biennial Update Report published in 2020 shows that the AFOLU sector was the country’s largest source of GHG emissions (62%) with LULUCF emissions making up the lion’s share (50% of total GHG emissions).1 While the country also benefits from a large carbon sink, the net reported emissions remained positive in 2017. This is mostly driven by deforestation due to shifting to agriculture as well as forest harvesting.2,3 In agriculture, cattle and other livestock are the main driver of emissions.

Emissions from the energy sector contribute 35% to total GHG emissions, with electricity production and transport accounting for most of it (19% and 8% respectively). Emissions from the IPPU and waste sectors were very small in comparison (1.9% and 1.5% of total GHG emissions).4

Since 1990, the proportion of GHG emissions from the energy sector has remained fairly stable, while AFOLU emissions have fluctuated more noticeably - driven by biomass burning on forested land due to droughts and economic necessity.5,6 Zimbabwe’s forestry resources cover approximately 46% of the total land area (179,748 km²) so addressing these emissions is essential to mitigation.7

The National Development Strategy (NDS1), 2021-2025, aims to increase electricity and coal supply to the iron and steel sectors, both of which will lead to an upward trajectory in emissions under a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario.8

Zimbabwe's current GHG emissions


Energy system

A large part of energy use in Zimbabwe is biomass-generated (over 65% in 2017) mostly used in household cooking as well as in industry. According to the 2021-2025 NDS110, Zimbabwe plans to increase electricity access from 44 to 54% by 2025 to spur a shift to electric cooking and address emissions in this sector. This has additional benefits for health and socio-economic development including clean jobs as well as improved air quality.9 In 2017, biofuels and waste together accounted for 69% of the energy used, followed by coal (16%), oil (12%) and hydro (4%). Zimbabwe imports almost all of the petroleum products it needs (diesel, gasoline, kerosene, LPG, etc.), mostly used in the transport sector.10

Between 2000 and 2017, the make-up of the energy mix changed noticeably. The share of renewable energy sources (including solar and biofuels) in the primary energy mix and waste increased from 65% to 80%, while coal dropped from 14% to 3%. Only oil maintained a more or less steady contribution to the energy mix of around 11%.11

Growth of the energy sector has been stalled or undermined by poor maintenance, lack of investment (both State and foreign), an import debt burden and existing customers’ failure/inability to pay Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA).12

Targets and commitments

Economy-wide targets

Target type


NDC target

Conditional NDC Target:

  • 40% reduction in economy-wide GHG emissions per capita compared to BAU by 2030.13
  • Zimbabwe’s NDC is fully conditional.
  • This translates in 57% above 2015 levels by 2030, excluding LULUCF.

Market mechanisms

  • A Carbon Tax on fossil fuel use has been in place since 2016. As of 2019, the collected carbon tax from diesel and gasoline use is estimated at USD 12.24/tCO₂e.14
  • In 2016, a tobacco tax was also introduced to support sustainable afforestation efforts.

Long-term target

  • Zimbabwe has a Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy.15

Sectoral targets


  • The updated NDC mentions universal access to cleaner energy by 2030. At present, 44% of the population has access to electricity at national level. This goal includes setting up mini-grids, increasing energy efficiency, investing in biodiesel development, a transport fuel economy policy (2025-2030) and developing public transport.16


  • The National Renewable Energy Policy targets an increase in generation from renewables to over 26% of the overall generation by 2030.17


  • No target is indicated but transport is mentioned under the energy sector. Measures include the implementation of mass transit options.


  • No target is indicated.


  • 21.6% reduction by 2030 below BAU.18
  • In the long-term strategy, 2.54 MtCO₂e is the 2050 mitigation potential in the waste sector.19


  • 61% (25.35 MtCO₂e) by 2030 below BAU (AFOLU sector).
  • Reduction of burned area by 500,000 ha.


  • 61% (25.35 MtCO₂e) by 2030 below BAU (AFOLU sector).
  • Plan to increase the area from 9.9 m ha to 10.4 m ha by 2025.


  • 10.7% (0.45 MtCO₂e) reduction by 2030 below BAU.

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