What is Nepal's pathway to limit global warming to 1.5°C?


Economy wide

The analysis of cost-efficient pathways show that the country would need to reduce its emissions by 18-40% below 2011 levels or reach a level of 27-37 MtCO₂e/yr by 2030, to be on a 1.5°C compatible domestic emissions pathway.1

Nepal's total GHG emissions excl. LULUCF MtCO₂e/yr

Displayed values

Reference Year

*Net zero emissions excl LULUCF is achieved through deployment of BECCS; other novel CDR is not included in these pathways

2030 NDC

Nepal submitted its updated NDC in December 2020, where it presented ambitious sectoral policy and emissions reduction targets, including reducing its 2030 emissions from the transport and cooking sectors by 28% and 23% respectively compared to business as usual (BAU) levels. By 2030, Nepal will also unconditionally expand clean energy from 1.4 GW to 5 GW and add an additional 10 GW to this capacity, conditional upon international support.2


A conservative estimate of these measures (where transport, waste and residential sector measures are considered for the higher range, and only energy sector measures are considered for the lower range) show that GHG emissions would decrease by 1.9-5.6 MtCO₂e/yr reaching a level of around 55-70% above 2011 (or 69-76 MtCO₂e/yr) by 2030, excluding LULUCF emissions.3 Given that all listed measures were not quantifiable, Nepal’s overall emissions reductions target is likely to be higher than this estimate.4

Fair share

Nepal’s fair share as assessed by the Climate Action Tracker lies well above this domestic emissions pathway, indicating that the country should receive international support, including finance, technology transfer and capacity building, to completely close the emissions gap between its fair share and the domestic pathway.

Land-use and forestry

However, this emissions accounting does not consider the LULUCF emissions sink which is substantial for Nepal. Today, the country maintains a little over 41.69% of their land as forests.5 In 2011, when forest cover was closer to 39%, the carbon sink capacity was estimated at 13 MtCO₂e/yr.6,7 As Nepal expands forest coverage and improves forest management practices, the country’s land sink capacity will increase. In its latest GHG inventory, Nepal projects that forest sink capacities may grow by an additional 5 MtCO₂e/yr by 2030.8

Net zero GHG

Nepal’s LTS states its intention to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2045.9


Nepal envisions fulfilling this ambitious goal by increasing its renewable energy potential, through clean electrification of all major end-use sectors (including transport, buildings, and industries), by increasing and maintaining the country’s forest cover, through sustainable agriculture and forestry and through sustainable waste management practices.10

2050 Ambition

Nepal’s long-term targets are conditional on the country receiving international support, including through climate finance, capacity building and technology transfer.11 1.5°C emissions pathways assessed here indicate that by 2050 the country would need to reduce its emissions by 48-59% below 2011 levels, not taking into account potential of land use sinks. Nepal will then need to balance its remaining GHG emissions to a level of removal of around 18-23 MtCO₂e/yr. Given the current level of land sinks that Nepal benefits from, the country is well positioned to balance its remaining emissions by mid-century.12,13



  • While Nepal’s domestic power generation for the central grid is next to fully decarbonised, Nepal imports on average around 33% of the electricity in the central grid from its neighbour India, where the power sector is still largely reliant on fossil fuels.14 Power consumption thus remains somewhat carbon intensive, with approximately 25% of the consumption in 2021 relying on imported fossil fuel generated electricity.1516

  • To reduce such imports and the ensuing trade deficits, Nepal has invested in increasing its hydropower capacity in the past few decades. As more planned hydropower plants come online and Nepal’s domestic power generation capacity increases over the next decade, electricity import is expected to drop over the next decade.

  • While electricity access for Nepali citizens is increasing steadily in the last few years, per capita consumption remains ten times lower than the global average.17 Nepal aims to increase its renewable energy capacity to 15 GW by 2030 and 53.2 GW by 2050 to ensure increased access and improved quality of life for its citizens and electrification of all major end-use sectors, while also creating a surplus for export.18,19,20


  • Emissions from this sector were around 0.4 MtCO₂ in 2011 and future projections show only marginal growth.21 Electrification of heating and cooking infrastructure, feasible due to Nepal’s significant renewable energy potential, brings along multiple environmental, social and economic co-benefits.

  • Increased electrification of Nepal’s buildings, with more than half of energy needs related to cooking, heating and lighting of this sector expected to be met with clean electricity by 2050 will be key to decarbonise the sector.22

  • Nepal’s conditional 2020 NDC and 2021 LTS targets will contribute to meeting these benchmarks, but the country will need international support to reach these goals.23,24


  • Transport is a rapidly growing source of emissions in Nepal.25

  • Cost-effective pathways show that Nepal could reduce its emissions in this sector to 2-4 MtCO₂ by 2030 and 0-3 MtCO₂ by 2050 through the electrification of its vehicle fleet.

  • Nepal’s 2020 NDC includes a goal to reduce the country’s transport-related emissions to 2.6 MtCO₂ by 2030 and its LTS aims to reduce them to 1.04 MtCO₂ by 2050, primarily through electrification of the vehicle fleet and development of required charging and other infrastructure.26,27


  • Industrial processes and energy related emissions are a small but steadily growing source of emissions in Nepal. Brick and cement industries are the most polluting in this sector and rely largely on coal for their energy demand.28

  • Cost-effective pathways show the potential for energy-related industrial emissions to reach 0-3 MtCO₂ by 2030 and to be phased out by 2050. To do so, the electrification rate needs to reach 77% by 2050 from less than a fifth in 2019.29

  • Nepal’s NDC aims to formulate guidelines and mechanisms to monitor emissions from large industries by 2025 and develop and enact emissions standards and adopt low emissions technology in brick and cement industries to replace coal by 2030.30 Nepal’s LTS aims to decrease industrial energy-related emissions to 3.72 MtCO₂ by 2030 and to 1.04 MtCO₂ by 2050, primarily through electrification of industrial end-uses, improvement in energy efficiency, and replacement of traditional brick kilns with better performing and electric ones.31

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