What is Romania's pathway to limit global warming to 1.5°C?


Last update: 1 January 2023

Although overall energy consumption has dropped considerably in the last ten years, emissions from the buildings sector have increased. In 2019, the share of residential and commercial buildings in Romania’s overall energy consumption was 13.5%.1 Direct emissions from Romania’s building sector would need to fall by between 39-59% below 2019 levels by 2030, reaching zero between 2034-2045, to be 1.5°C compatible.

Romania's energy mix in the buildings sector

petajoule per year


Romania has set a goal to renovate 100% of public buildings by 2050.2 While this is commendable, it is insufficient without a similar level of ambition towards residential buildings, which has the largest share of buildings requiring renovation (around 91%) and also has the highest energy consumption (around 81%). For the 2021-2030 period, a priority to reduce energy consumption should be to target larger multi-apartment buildings first, followed by public buildings and single-family buildings.3

Raising the electrification of final energy demand in the buildings sector through measures such as incentivising the installation of heat pumps, would contribute greatly to emissions reduction in the sector. Achieving a 1.5°C compatible electrification rate would require roughly doubling electricity’s share in final energy from 2019 levels by 2030, reaching well over 50% by 2050.

Romania's buildings sector direct CO₂ emissions (of energy demand)


Direct CO₂ emissions only are considered (see power sector for electricity related emissions, hydrogen and heat emissions are not considered here).

1.5°C compatible buildings sector benchmarks

Direct CO₂ emissions and shares of electricity, heat and hydrogen in the buildings final energy demand from illustrative 1.5°C pathways for Romania

Decarbonised buildings sector by
Direct CO₂ emissions
4 to 6
0 to 3
0 to 1
2034 to 2045
Relative to reference year in %
-59 to -39%
-97 to -70%
-99 to -86%
Share of electricity
per cent
29 to 39
43 to 50
56 to 59
Share of heat
per cent
11 to 21
17 to 26
26 to 29
Share of hydrogen
per cent
1 to 11
7 to 15
13 to 20

All values are rounded. Only direct CO₂ emissions are considered (electricity, hydrogen and heat emissions are not considered here; see power sector for emissions from electricity generation). Year of full decarbonisation is based on carbon intenstiy threshold of 5gCO₂/MJ.

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