What is Australia's pathway to limit global warming to 1.5°C?


Decarbonising the industry sector

Australia’s industrial sector accounted for 17% of total emissions in 2022 (excluding LULUCF) when considering both energy and process-related emissions.1 Industrial emissions mainly come from alumina refining, chemicals manufacturing, and iron ore mining.2

Australia's energy mix in the industry sector

petajoule per year


Fuel shares refer only to energy demand of the sector. Deployment of synthetic fuels is not represented in these pathways.

Australia’s industrial emissions are regulated through the Safeguard Mechanism which was reformed in 2023. The Safeguard Mechanism imposes declining net baselines for facilities within the scope of the mechanism but allows unlimited use of Australian Carbon Credit Units rather than making genuine emissions reductions. The 1.5°C compatible pathways assessed here see direct CO2 emissions from industry energy demand (excluding energy use by fossil fuel industries) fall 42-65% below 2021 levels by 2030.

The Net Zero Commitments and Deep Electrification pathways achieve the most rapid reductions in both energy CO2 and process-related emissions. The Deep Electrification pathway, which best captures the rapid cost reductions in wind and solar over the past decade and the potential for future progress, reaches a high share of electricity this decade at 47% by 2030, up from 30% in 2021. Substantial hydrogen use also emerges in these pathways, growing to 12-15% of the industrial energy mix by 2040.

While we do not assess emissions from fossil fuel production here, Australia’s LNG and coal industries account for 15% of domestic emissions, excluding LULUCF, and contribute significantly to global emissions via its exports. 3 GHG emissions from fossil fuel production, including fugitive emissions, grew by 33% between 2015 and 2019, driven by a rapid expansion of LNG production.4

Australia's industry sector direct CO₂ emissions (from energy demand)


Direct CO₂ emissions only are considered (see power sector for electricity related emissions, hydrogen and heat emissions are not considered here).

Australia's GHG emissions from industrial processes


  • Graph description

    1.5°C compatible CO₂ emissions pathways. This is presented through a set of illustrative pathways and a 1.5°C compatible range for total CO₂ emissions excl. LULUCF. The 1.5°C compatible range is based on global cost-effective pathways assessed by the IPCC AR6, defined by the 5th and 5th percentiles.

    Data References

1.5°C compatible industry sector benchmarks

Direct CO₂ emissions, direct electrification rates, and combined shares of electricity, hydrogen and biomass from illustrative 1.5°C pathways for Australia

Decarbonised industry sector by
Direct CO₂ emissions
17 to 28
7 to 23
0 to 14
-2 to 3
2037 to 2046
Relative to reference year in %
-65 to -42%
-85 to -52%
-100 to -71%
-104 to -94%
Share of electricity
per cent
34 to 47
42 to 50
43 to 54
49 to 68
Share of electricity, hydrogen and biomass
per cent
59 to 72
68 to 80
82 to 87
86 to 97

Fuel share provided refers to energy demand only from the industry sector. BECCS are the only Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) technologies considered in these benchmarks.
Direct CO₂ emissions only are considered (see power sector analysis, hydrogen and heat emissions are not considered here). All values are rounded. Year of full decarbonisation is based on carbon intenstiy threshold of 5gCO₂/MJ.

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