What is Japan's pathway to limit global warming to 1.5°C?


Last update: 15 March 2022

The industrial sector (secondary industry) accounts for around a quarter of Japan’s GDP and around 29% of total final energy consumption. Given the country’s low level of energy self-sufficiency (12.1% in 2019) and high level of fossil fuel use in industry (71%), this sector represents a challenge both in terms of decarbonisation and energy security.1,2,3

Japan's energy mix in the industry sector

petajoule per year


Fuel share provided refers to energy demand only from the industry sector.

Japan has made efforts to improve the energy efficiency of industry which has led to a relatively steady decrease in industrial energy consumption (25% decrease over the period 1990-2019).4 This decrease was primarily due to a reduction in oil use. The consumption of other fuels has remained fairly steady over the last three decades, however, natural gas consumption steadily increased up until 2007 before levelling out.5

With the reduction of oil consumption has come a corresponding reduction in emissions. On average, emissions have decreased at an annual rate of 1% over the period 1990 to 2019. As part of its NDC, Japan has set a target of 38% GHG reductions for the industrial sector from 2013 levels by 2030.6,7

By comparison, the 1.5°C compatible pathways show, at the median, around a 3% annual emissions reduction out to 2025, increasing to around 6% afterwards and until 2040. Under the pathways, emissions from industrial energy demand would reach net zero between 2048 and 2050. Industrial process emissions would fall by around 50% from 2019 levels by 2030 and 75% by 2050.

The pathway to net zero emissions in this sector would necessitate an increase in the use of electricity, hydrogen, and biomass. The share of these energy sources in industrial final energy would increase from 39% in 2019 to 43-51% by 2030, and 65-95% by 2050. A renewable energy-based power sector would provide the majority of industrial final energy by around 2040.

Japan's industry sector direct CO₂ emissions (of energy demand)


Direct CO₂ emissions only are considered (see power sector for electricity related emissions, hydrogen and heat emissions are not considered here).

Japan's GHG emissions from industrial processes


1.5°C compatible industry sector benchmarks

Direct CO₂ emissions, shares of electricity, and combined shares of electricity, hydrogen and biomass from illustrative 1.5°C pathways for Japan

Decarbonised industry sector by
Direct CO₂ emissions
94 to 116
23 to 49
4 to 15
2048 to 2050
Relative to reference year in %
-59 to -49%
-90 to -78%
-98 to -93%
Share of electricity
per cent
32 to 41
48 to 53
58 to 70
Share of electricity, hydrogren and biomass
per cent
43 to 51
52 to 80
65 to 95

Fuel share provided refers to energy demand only from the industry sector. BECCS are the only Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) technologies considered in these benchmarks.
Only direct CO₂ emissions are considered (electricity, hydrogen and heat emissions are not considered here; see power sector for emissions from electricity generation). All values are rounded. Year of full decarbonisation is based on carbon intenstiy threshold of 5gCO₂/MJ.

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